Since 1987 the Apeiron Society of Calgary has been promoting its stated objective—the practice of philosophy—by hosting fortnightly meetings in the Fall (September-December) and Winter (January to April) at which speakers put forth ideas for discussion. We will be returning to in-person talks at the Scandinavian Centre in September 2023. Please check our program for in-person talks. In 2023-24, the Society envisions a hybrid program, with some sessions taking place in the face-to-face format, with the option to join synchronously through Zoom and others being held only on Zoom. See our Program page. Anyone interested in becoming a member of Apeiron, or just learning more about the Society, are invited to write to the Board of Directors at [email protected] |
Next Event
Tuesday, April 9th, at 7:00 pm at the Scandinavian Centre and via Zoom. Two University of Calgary honours students will be presenting. Anders Madsen will be speaking on: Why Thought is Social, and Nardos Tecle will be discussing: Framing Refugees: Invasion or a Humanitarian Crisis. NewsMany of the Apeiron Society Scrums are from a magazine called Philosophy Now! Find out more by visiting their website. |